The Rock
one of the only parts of the college to survive a devastating fire in the '60s. Now much decorated, The Rock was rescued from the college's previous location and today sits in the heart of the college. It is tradition that the Rock be burned annually, but it is now so fragile that since 2006 this ceremony is no longer performed.
The college seal was designed by Captain D. Colbron Pearce of the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. The seal, a symbolic expression of Dux Lux Rex Lex, is composed of the baton, torch, crown and book. These were incorporated into the seal design featuring a shield surmounted by a mitre after suggestions from the residents of the college

Our History
Christ College was founded in 1846 and has taken many different forms over its long and illustrious history.
The college was founded in Bishopsbourne, a very small farming community in Northern Tasmania. 10 years later the college moved to Hobart. It was a tertiary place of education until 1933, when it was affiliated with UTAS. Christ College was acquired by the University of Tasmania and made a residential college in 1991.